Skin Tag Myths and Misconceptions

Skin Tag Myths and Misconceptions

Debunking Common Beliefs

Skin tags, those pesky little skin flaps that seem to pop up in the most inconvenient places, are often shrouded in mystery. And like any enigma, they’ve become the subject of a fair share of myths and misconceptions. So, before you panic about that extra tassel hanging on your neck or start trying questionable home remedies, let’s clear the air and debunk some of the most common skin tag myths.

Myth #1: Skin tags are contagious. ‍

The misconception that skin tags are transmissible is unfounded. Unlike their viral or bacterial counterparts, skin tags present no risk of contagion. Their origin lies in friction and skin rubbing, frequently manifesting in areas like armpits, groins, and necks. Understanding their non-contagious nature alleviates unnecessary anxieties and ensures safe interactions with individuals exhibiting skin tags.

Myth #2: Skin tags are a sign of poor hygiene.

Shower away the shame! Skin tags have nothing to do with how often you scrub soap. While some factors like obesity and diabetes can make them more likely, hygiene isn’t a contributing factor. These harmless little flaps of skin arise from friction and rubbing, not a lack of cleanliness. So, rest assured, impeccable hygiene won’t make them disappear, and their presence doesn’t reflect untidiness.

Myth #3: If you remove one skin tag, more will grow back.

The good news is that eliminating a single skin tag won’t trigger an epidemic on your skin. However, it’s important to acknowledge that your susceptibility to skin tags is influenced by both genetic and environmental factors. If you have a family history of skin tags, your weight falls within a certain range, or your skin is prone to rubbing together often, you might be more likely to develop skin tags, even after removing an existing one.

Myth #4: Home remedies are the way to go.

While the internet might be brimming with DIY skin tag removal methods, from tying them off with a thread to rubbing them with apple cider vinegar, please resist the urge to experiment! These methods can be painful, lead to scarring, and even increase the risk of infection. These harsh removal methods can also damage your healthy skin. Stick to proven and effective at-home skin tag removal devices like Claritag to deal with those pesky tags.

Myth #5: Skin tags are dangerous or cancerous.

Skin tags are completely harmless and are not related in any way to skin cancer. They are more a cosmetic issue rather than a medical condition. You can determine if you have a skin tag by having all four of the following: 1) Must be located on neck, breasts, back, armpits or groin; 2) Must be similar in color to the surrounding skin; 3) Must be soft and flexible to the touch; 4) Must be 2-6mm.

The Claritag Truth: Embrace the facts, ditch the myths!

Skin tags are a common, benign skin condition. Remember, you’re not alone in your tag-taming journey. At Claritag, we’re here to empower you with knowledge and a safe, effective solution to help you say goodbye to unwanted skin tags and hello to smoother, more confident skin.

Claritag’s FDA-cleared at-home skin tag removal device is easy to use, safe, effective, and affordable. Clinically tested and suitable for all skin types, our device can remove skin tags in 60 seconds with no scarring! So ditch the myths, embrace the facts, and get ready to tackle those skin tags with Claritag.

*Disclaimer: Individual results may vary. All content found on this website—including text, images, audio, or other formats—is created for informational purposes only. Claritag Advanced provides full body coverage except as noted in the Instructions for Use. The content of this website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified health provider for any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. Nothing contained in this website infers or creates a warranty, promise, or guarantee of any kind with respect to the clinical outcome or result from treatment using the Claritag Advanced device.

Updated February 20, 2025